Updates for my friends and family
In 1999 I was originally diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The treatment at the time I was diagnosed was mantel radiation, and at the time I received 50 treatments of radiation over a 10 week period.
It was later discovered that the radiation treatment was not the best from a long-term perspective and Hodgkin's Lymphoma is now treated with chemotherapy. One of the long-term effects discovered is secondary cancers.
In 2012, I was diagnosed with breast cancer as a result of the radiation. At the time I had a double mastectomy, as I like to say carpentry over chemistry. After the initial surgery I had some additional surgeries for reconstruction.
November 2019 marks my third cancer diagnosis, this time it is Pancreatic Cancer. This blog is to help keep my family and friends informed of my appointments, treatments, and general well being, all in one place...or as close to one place as possible....