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Felix Felicis Needed!!

It has been a while since I last updated on my health and life. The last blog post was about my oophorectomy (removal of ovaries and...

Texas two-steppin'

So you may be asking yourself, weird title to the blog this time... well my health has been a little like that, two steps forward one...

Happiest New Year!

I know most everyone is glad that 2020 is over and everything else that went along with it. In a lot of ways I fully agree, I am ready...

Beaches, I have been busy!!

So I have been busy and note again that I have lagged in the blog postings. The last time I blogged I was starting a chemo/radiation...

Delinquent as Usual!

So I realize that I have been delinquent in my posting of the blog... reports from loved ones has been "You are not very good at this...

90 Mullets strong

So many of the people that are my friends on The Facebook know that I collect pictures of mullets in the wild. Today I reached 90...

Six Lessons Learned this Christmas

This holiday season was filled with family, friends, food, and fun. Through it all there were several lessons learned: 1.) Even divorced...

First Chemotherapy session

So on Wednesday the 18th I got a port put in. My mom and dad were in attendance the whole time and have been a great support. It was an...

Looks like an orange on a toothpick!

12/10/19 - I received the results from my PET scan...They were more positive than we originally thought. Prior to the appointment I was...

Getting A Diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis has been a bit of a challenge. I first noticed that I was loosing appetite around February of 2019, and noticed that...

Blog: Blog2
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