So I have been busy and note again that I have lagged in the blog postings. The last time I blogged I was starting a chemo/radiation regiment. I will admit that by the end of it I was pretty tired and exhausted, but the recent scans showed that there is still no progression in the tumor on my pancreas. A funny thing about the word pancreas is that even though it sounds plural it is not. I have 1 pancreas. Once I finished the treatment I got a bit of a break to recoup and get stronger.
Chronologically this is what I have been up to:
1. Sea Grove Beach - First order of business was to spend some quality time with the immediate family. I rented a house near the beach and was accompanied by Mom, Dad, Guicho, Drake, Aunt Tory, Uncle Barney and of course Little Baby Kate. Fun was had by all except my father who decided to go on a bike ride and instead fell and broke his hip (he is good and has had it fixed). Here are some pictures from the excursion. You will note that my hair is growing like a chia pet so the progression on this blog should be fun!
2. My next trip was to Leon Guanajuato Mexico where the majority of my cousin gathered, this was not a COVID friendly event, but thankfully there was no spreading and all events were held outdoors. I had a lovely time getting to reconnect with old friends, mi Tina, and my cousins (there were about 40 of us there so that is always fun, and definitely missed the ones that could not make the dinner/lunch/dinner!)
3. My Cousin Kane's wedding to the lovely Kate - What an intimate and fun event, it was unfortunate that they had to re-arrange the plans and cut the wedding party down, but in the end it was a successful event and Kane and Kate were married. I was thankful that I was able to be a part of such a wonderful event and it gave me a chance to see the nugget again. Only picture that I have is with the nugget herself.

4. Then a girls trip to Marfa - It was definitely a quiet time in the desert, beautiful vistas and not much to do, but lay around the pool and soak in some rays. We ate plenty of Texas BBQ and I was able to enjoy a relaxing time before my next round of treatments.
5. If you have read this far this is the most important part! Prior to my trip to Mexico I was contacted by MD Anderson and told of a new clinical trial where I would undergo Immuno therapy and Chemo treatment. There is a very small chance that this could be curative, but a very small chance is WAY better than not curative at all which is what I had previously gotten. The great part about the treatment is that I get to be a part of science that will specifically target treatments for Gene Mutations, which could not just potentially help me, but help generations going forward!
Which brings me to the past two days. I was Patient #7 to receive the treatment (LUCKY #7!!) and will continue to go to Houston to get treatments for the foreseeable future. I am feeling very strong and healthy (but maybe on the skinny side) and continue to grow my hair like a Chia Pet.
PS I will take any advice on how to tame semi-curly thickish hair and below is my new emoji

You've been having *WAY* more fun and excitement than I have! Your dress for the wedding is stunning! And I'm glad to see more pictures of the growing nugget! Congratulations for inclusion in the trail. Best wishes xoxox
So thrilled to see your recent travel pics. Looks like a great times Blessings sent your way
I am so glad that you have been able to travel and spend time with family and friends, you are a trouper for sure. As for the clinical trial through MD Anderson, words are not sufficient to express the hope that I have for this to be successful for you and all of the other patients. By the way, I love your hair!!! xxx
Hi Vicki! You look so good! Think about you alot when driving around Denver but am so happy to hear you were able to get into that trial in Houston. Good luck and keep on smiling!!!
Hooray for a new blog post ! Loving your Mexico looks - that jumpsuit was made for you !! Praying and sending LOTS of good vibes your way #luckynumber7