I know most everyone is glad that 2020 is over and everything else that went along with it. In a lot of ways I fully agree, I am ready for things to start slowly getting back to normal and the end of COVID-19 etc. But in a lot of ways 2020 for me was momentous. One year ago today I remember thinking what 2020 was going to bring. I was getting my will finalized as I was pretty sure that I would not survive the year. I am sitting here today thankful. Thankful for the time that I have had with my family and friends, and thankful for the health that I am in as well.
As I mentioned previously I have started a new clinical trial. When I started it, I was lucky #7, as of today there are 8 of us that were included in the trial and only 4 of us are still in it (the others dropped out for various reasons, either adverse reactions to the drug or ended up not really qualifying). I had my first round of follow-up scans at the beginning of December and after talking to Dr. Yap the tumor appears to remain stable. He explained that my weekly infusions are not technically chemo but immunotherapy that is trying to teach my body to help fight the tumor. He was very happy with the results saying that unlike chemo immunotherapy takes time to see results of the tumor shrinking or responding but no growth is a huge win. I am also happy to note that I am having little to no side effects. I get tired the days that I have the infusion but other than that I am able to lead a relatively normal-ish life (all things considered).
Which brings me to the present. A couple of weeks ago I flew to Utah to pick up the Nugget. She along with her two dads are now full time residents of Texas, which makes me overjoyed. I am also starting to think about moving out on my own and I am starting the process of looking for and buying some real estate in the greater Austin area. I adopted a cat, who is semi-luke-warm about me, but that I love, his name is Cheeto Gato Bonito Pons (with an American accent) or Chester O'Malley Pons (aka Cheeto) still debating. I am also waiting patiently in line to get a COVID-19 vaccination so that I can return to traveling and fun, I should be in the next group thanks to the cancer. Currently my travel plans are pretty open as I only have a few days between my treatments, but starting in April I believe I get a bit more time between treatments so I will be able to travel a bit more. ANY suggestions are welcome!!!
I am looking forward to 2021 and everything it brings, I am happy to be alive and to be able to enjoy life! My only piece of advice to you guys is to live! Live life happy (it is most definitely a choice), choose to be kind to everyone, choose to spend time with those that are most important, and stay positive (but not of COVID, just of attitude)!
Recap of the last couple of months in pictures:
Thanksgiving in Oaxaca City and Huatulco, Oaxaca:
Cheeto's adoption:
Nugget's week with Tia YaYa:
Christmas morning with the Fam:

Thank you for the reminder to live life happy! Some days that is hard for me to remember, and I appreciate the nudge! I'm so thankful you are feeling well and having fun.
Vicki - Happy New Year!! So glad to read all the positive that's going on in your life and happy for you that overall, you're doing so well. I think of you all the time and will keep the positive vibes going your way! Take care, be safe and well. :)
What a cute kitty!! Happy to read a positive update :)
I’m so grateful for your update Vicki! Thanks to God you are doing well and have been spending time with family. Continuing to pray for healing! Happy New Year!
Vicki - This is awesome news! Truly, thanks for taking the time to share. 2021 has been brilliant so far, but your post really made my night. I’m so happy for you! Hope you get that vaccine soon, and are able to go back to traveling safely. And congrats on the cat! Definitely keep sharing these posts. Take care and happy new year!