This holiday season was filled with family, friends, food, and fun. Through it all there were several lessons learned:
1.) Even divorced parents can have a good time when everyone tries to get along. My Mom in a very sweet gesture invited my Dad to spend the holidays with us, which really made Christmas for me that much more special. Here are some family photos. #DivorceisOK #AllMyExesLiveinTexas
2.) When there is a baby in the house, its all about the baby! (meet Kate English, my niece!!) #MostPicturesAreOfTheBaby #WheresTheBaby #GuichoWho?
3.) Sometimes the guilty party isn't who you think it is...
3.a) So this one needs a little explanation, my Mom came home and noticed that there was a pamper ripped up in the living room. This first video shows her complaining that my dog LuLu Pons ripped it up, make sure the volume is up. #Furbo #VideoSurveillance
3.b) This second video shows proof of the guilty party (note my Mom's dog is cream colored and LuLu is black) attached is also a splendid still in case the video is too quick. #WorthEveryPenny #LuluTheSaint

4.) Carlos the fish only speaks Spanish... hoping he makes it past the week! Carlos was given to my mom by my brother and husband. We are not fish people but they say they are easy to take care of... I hope so! #DontGetAttached #HopeHeMakesItTheWeek #CarlosElPescado
5.) When you spend 80 hrs plus making a toy for a baby, and realize she liked the bow better. Crocheted a bear for my niece who in the end preferred to play with the bow. At my charge rate, this bear is almost priceless. (PS Kate is holding Bina's heart prior to surgery) #BinaTheBear #LovedTheBow #WhatsTheNextProject

6.) Don't let your Mom buy food at Costco. Mom bought strawberry jam because Guicho likes it. Not sure we needed 1.2 kilos of it! #StrawberryJamForever
Carlos ElPescado!!
Qué bonita Navidad Vicky !! Todos juntos !! Y muy bonitas fotos 😍😍
First, you had me oohing and aahing over lovely Kate, but then you had me rolling on the floor regarding Shredgate 2019 and the allure of the bow!
Good luck to you, Sr. Carlos and thanks for the amazing update, Vicki! Sounds like a very fun holiday.
Hugs, Ellen
Great pics of what counts... Beautiful baby! Every Mom should shop at Costco, great selections from a well ran company, though I agree some sku’s are village quantities. I can only think of one tune for the occasion, Louis Armstrong’s rendition of,“What A Wonderful World”. Have a Wonderful Week!