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Delinquent as Usual!


So I realize that I have been delinquent in my posting of the blog... reports from loved ones has been "You are not very good at this whole update/blog thing" and "Are you okay, you have not updated the blog..."

So here I am updating the blog as requested.

Since the last update back in January a lot has been going on both from a health perspective and a life perspective. I am currently in stay at home orders and "quarantined" with my mom, although I do go to the grocery store, the pharmacy, and vegetable garden... I sometimes just need to get out of the house.

From a health and cancer perspective -

1.) I have completed 7 rounds of Chemo fairly successfully. The last round was a partial round as I only got two chemo meds because my liver markers were a bit high. Which brings me to point #2.

2.) I had a Liver biopsy last week - It was weird in that I was awake the whole time. It "hurt" more I think because I was expecting to be asleep. Since the beginning I had a splattering of little dots in my liver and lungs. The doctors decided to do a biopsy so that I could see if I was eligible for other trials etc. and to get better staging. In the end the biopsy came back negative for cancer (yea!!) meaning my cancer is at a stage 3 level.

3.) I have a CT Scan scheduled for April 15 to see if the tumor is shrinking and then what the next steps are going to be...could be radiation and new Chemo cocktail mix, or even some clinical trials as I have the ATM genetic marker for breast and pacreatic cancer.

4.) The Liver Biopsy showed higher levels of toxicity and therefore the rest of the chemo treatments are being put to a pause. The bright side of all of this is that I get a whole month off from chemo to let my body recoup!!! I am pretty excited about being normalish for a while.

This brings me to Life updates -

1.) My house on Corona Street finally sold (I know terrible name these days) and we are closing at the worst time ever thanks to the Corona virus - April 6th. I am heading to Denver this week to coordinate movers and close. While I am sad to be leaving Denver, I am happy to have this one less thing to worry about. I will definitely miss all the friends that I have made there (too bad I had to cancel the Taco Party), but I am sure we will keep in touch!

2.) I had an awesome family reunion back in February with my Dad's side of the family in Laredo TX. My cousin Jorge's ranch was an awesome place to be and the food was phenomenal. His hospitality is so hugely appreciated! and loved seeing so many of my cousins... here are some highlights!

3.) We had a visit from Baby Kate and Guicho for a full week! She is one happy Baby, but Guicho and Drake are going to have Their hands full as she already thinks the word No is a joke! Here is to strong willed women!

4.) Bluebonnet season is in full swing here in Texas! So LuLu and I went out for a little photo shoot. I really love and missed the bluebonnets when I was in Denver! ( The smell of all the Bluebonnets was so intoxicatingly sweet, I love Texas!)

5.) In the midst of the Corona virus I have been keeping busy doing ceramics, crocheting, and cooking (I made pasta from scratch) here are examples of my hobbies in full swing most are WIPs as I do not have access to a kiln for the ceramics. Also if you have twitter follow the National Cowboy Museum, Tim the security guy does a great job!!

Happy Quarantining Everyone!!



Apr 02, 2020

Thanks for the update! Your ceramics are beautiful!


Apr 01, 2020

Ellen I only did the update on one of the bathrooms everything else was as it is in the pictures. Yes selling is a big stress reliever, wish though that o has closed a month ago, that’s what I get for being kind!


Mar 31, 2020

Holy smokes, your ceramic work is amazing. I had no idea! Also, eyes be poppin in them bluebonnets!


Mar 31, 2020

I'm so happy to hear you are currently at stage 3 (not 4)! Yay!!! And I laughed when I read the name of the street you lived on in Denver. Corona??? Ha ha. Baby Kate is adorable and someday I hope to see those bluebonnets. Unless they are forget-me-nots, we don't have them in MA. Also love your ceramics and crocheting....


Mar 31, 2020

Congratulations on selling your house! I checked out the listing - it looks AMAZING. Did you do all the updates to the kitchen, bathrooms, and second floor? My complements to you! And good to hear from you!


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